"There is a story about the greek gods. They were bored, so they invented human beings, but they were still bored, so they invented love. Then they weren't bored any longer, so they decided to try love for themselves. And finally they invented laughter, so they could stand it."
Asa incepe filmul pe care l-am privit recent, despre dragoste, despre oameni, despre noi. Morgan Freeman a fost tatal acestei povestiri, el a fost acel intelept care spunea ceea ce trebuia sa auda ceilalti, nu ceea ce acestia isi doreau.
Filmul mi-a atins enorm sufletul, si cind zic enorm-nu glumesc. Au fost momente cind inima imi era plina de fericire, a fost si un moment cind am plins, nu am lacrimat.....am plins, un moment de groaza si un moment de "In sfirsit". El e genul de film pe care mai vreau oadata sa il privesc, cu toate ca pina acum erau paremi-se vreo 4-5 care imi trezeau acesta senzatie de bis.
Iar acum voi posta unele dialoguri cu tilc, care poate te vor motiva sa il privesti.
Bradley Thomas: Do you think love is a trick or do you think that it's the only meaning there is to this crazy dream?
Margaret Vekashi: Which do you believe?
Bradley Thomas: The second one.
Bradley Thomas: What's making you smile like that?
Margaret Vekashi: Looking out the window, an unusual man, an innocent man, an open-hearted man. Someone who has given tremendous love, but never had it returned, not in the way he deserves.
Harry Stevenson: God is either dead or he despises us.
Bradley Thomas: You don't really believe that.
Harry Stevenson: Maybe. I saw the most remarkable thing just now. I wandered into the stadium, I thought I was alone but down on the 50-yard line there was a couple making love. I watched for longer then I should have. I was envious. And then I felt sorry for them. There's so much they don't know. Heartbreak they can't even imagine.
Bradley Thomas: [sighs] Well, even if they knew, it wouldn't change anything.
Harry Stevenson: How so?
Bradley Thomas: Well, Chloe knew what was gonna happen to Oscar.
Harry Stevenson: What do you mean she knew?
Bradley Thomas: She did. She went to some psychic lady who predicted the whole thing.
Harry Stevenson: She believed her?
Bradley Thomas: Yes, Harry. She did. And she didn't run away. She didn't crawl into a hole. She found them a house, she threw away her birth control, and she married him. God doesn't hate us, Harry. If he did, he wouldn't have made our hearts so brave.
Harry Stevenson: Sometimes you don't know you've crossed a line until you're already on the other side. Of course, by then it's too late.
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